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13. Mai 20213 Min. Lesezeit
A Single Legal Term - with two opposing meanings
It is absolutely okay that a number of English words have more than one meaning (e.g. watch). It is also absolutely okay that a number of...
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13. Mai 20214 Min. Lesezeit
When a non-native English translator can produce a better translation into English than a native
Bryony Howard wrote a post entitled ”Why getting a text translated from scratch is cheaper than proof-reading. 5 reasons why non-native...
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13. Mai 20211 Min. Lesezeit
Acting as Don Quixote before the court?
I have always wondered when looking up terms in dictionaries and found a single term as an equivalent for the term sought, e.g. pro se:...
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13. Mai 20217 Min. Lesezeit
Don't Let Your Message Get Derailed
English language has many variants. In addition to British English and American English, there are language variants involving English...
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13. Mai 20211 Min. Lesezeit
When Legal English rolls up its sleeves and gets down to work
Sometimes legal English rolls up its sleeves and gets down to work. Let us take for example the concept of unenforceability due to lapse...
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13. Mai 20215 Min. Lesezeit
So how have native professionals learnt legal English in the first place?
It is always a good idea to learn from those we regard as top-end experts in our profession. Knowing how they have learnt legal English...
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13. Mai 20211 Min. Lesezeit
Synonyms and antonyms in legal English
You can say "Oh, come on, how could legal terms have synonyms and antonyms? Tell me then a synonym for the term ”foreclosure”, or an...
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13. Mai 20212 Min. Lesezeit
Maybe ... maybe not
These extremes of likelihood are also present in legal English, besides general English. Based on 16 years of analysing legal texts, I...
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13. Mai 20212 Min. Lesezeit
Burden of proof - bouncing back and forth
Funny how often in a lawsuit one party makes an allegation which is challenged by the other party, then comes a dispute as to which...
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13. Mai 20211 Min. Lesezeit
Fitness to stand trial - all related synonyms
Let's see what I mean by "native pro excellence in legal English": the elaborate way native professionals (UK and US lawyers, judges...
6 Ansichten0 Kommentare

13. Mai 20212 Min. Lesezeit
Legal English books grouped - the first encyclopaedia of legal English
Over the past decades, distinguished authors has written many dozens of books on legal English. They are very useful, and each...
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13. Mai 20211 Min. Lesezeit
Knowing a legal term: meaning and usage
Now it is official. In its periodical "Why terminology is your passion", the European Union (TermCoord) has confirmed that "knowing a ...
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13. Mai 20212 Min. Lesezeit
Towards writing perfect legal translations into English
We translators face the challenge of conveying the message of the source text in another language, to word it in accordance with its...
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13. Mai 20211 Min. Lesezeit
The book guiding you from knowing legal terms to writing texts at native pro level
What does it take to know a legal term? And how to proceed from knowing its meaning to using it as native professionals do? The best...
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13. Mai 20214 Min. Lesezeit
Follow suit ... and learn legal English as UK and US law students ... or a bit faster
Want to succeed in your legal studies? Want to succeed in your legal career? You must know legal English. So that you can work at a...
4 Ansichten0 Kommentare

13. Mai 20214 Min. Lesezeit
Legal Translations at their Best
Want to succeed in your translation studies in law? Want to succeed in your legal translation career? You must know legal English as...
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13. Mai 20211 Min. Lesezeit
Boost your career in law
Knowing legal English is a must. Not only well or excellently, but at the level of US and UK legal professionals. What does it mean? It...
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13. Mai 20215 Min. Lesezeit
A seven feature legal English dictionary
A monolingual law dictionary, for example the top-end English law dictionary Black's Law Dictionary has one function: it provides the...
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